
Showing posts from March, 2020

TPS colour comp 2

This is my final adjusted colour comp. Our prof told us we had to incorporate a real-life texture/ photo- so I decided to add an oil paint texture to the overall piece. I played around with having white bricks in the background or I tried having everything look like it was sewn/ outlined- but I really thought it distracted the cleanliness of this little piece. I was happy enough with the subtle change with the oil paint- so that's what I went with :)

TPS colour comp 1

Here is my Full Rendered Colour Comp for week 7. I had some fun creating the different outfits and personalities of all my little cartoon police people! I tried to make the uniforms different from one another- representing different careers available! Also, I have a few cruisers and parking meters going around our little Toronto police world. I really like this- I think ts clean and cute and viewer-friendly for an Instagram post- as that was the overall task of this project. Stay tuned for any adjustments!

Colour Story Board!

This is my final coloured Thumbnail! I incorporated hospital colours, added skin tones, added environmental details and realistic colours you would see in a hospital environment. This was a really fun project- and although I'm still struggling a little bit with adjusting to the Wacom tablet- I feel myself getting a little more used to using it! Thank you :)

6 Frame StoryBoard

For this assignment, we were asked to create a six-frame storyboard, with a made up-or real-life plot (from a tv show/ movie etc..) I chose to create my own scenario of what could happen in an emergent situation- as I watch ALOT of Greys Anatomy! This was my thought process- it's very messy! You can read each frame in the picture- but basically its a scenario of someone being rushed to a hospital. I chose to add two extra panels as I felt I wanted to put a little more work into this project! This is my Line art submission- showing my layout and how my storyboard will play out. I have included realistic nurses/ doctors, ambulances, monitors, shock paddles and a hospital! This is my final greyscale submission! I have entered tonal value to indicate where I want shadows to occur. I will now begin adding colour into my storyboard! I like my storyboard because it showcases movement, emotion, and is eye-catching! Also, it has a happy ending :) Stay tuned for the colour version!!